Duration: 6 Hrs

Customer service is an everyday challenge. Handling customers and managing company’s perception to your customer base is an important part of any business. An employee’s efficient handling and giving out a positive image retains customers and extracts more value from them. By developing sensitivity and sincerity amongst employees, businesses command brand strength and loyalty of the customer. A happy customer refers more customers, serves as case studies, and provides testimonials and reviews. They become company's brand ambassadors.

Unlearning Outcomes
  • Understand various aspects of communication, and how to use it to create a great customer experience
  • Identify the strengths and gaps while handling customers
  • Exhibit and build a positive image of the company
  • Formulate strategies to handle irate customers and objections
  • Deal effectively with difficult customers and turn complaints into opportunities
  • Create lasting improvement in customer satisfaction metrics
  • Increase productivity and see higher profits from improved customer goodwill
  • Adopt skills and techniques that routinely deliver positive customer experiences
  • Maximize the value of customer interaction
  • Contribute to a customer-centric culture and achieve greater personal
  • growth and customer satisfaction

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Delhi NCR • Ahmedabad

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