Insights from the SOUL
Insights from the SOUL
Posted on Oct 23, 2020 by Swami Vijay (Lawrence Vijay Girard) (Senior Trainer (Life Skills))
In the spiritual life we are not supposed to overreact to pleasure and pain, pleasant and unpleasant. Sri Krishna teaches that the yogi should seek to be "even minded and cheerful" in all circumstances. But I must admit, over the years I sought to eat more sweet mangoes and avoid the sour ones.
Posted on Oct 10, 2020 by Ms. Sonal Narang
When the fundamental mechanism of our existence and that our karma identifies with our self, our activities and everything that happens in our lives are nothing but divinely ordained karmic reactions. The, why do we see many vikarmis enjoying the opulence of life happily?
Posted on Sep 26, 2020 by Ms. Sonal Narang
Karma is not just a belief or a cool concept but an accurate science, a science of consequences to be borne by each one of us. Also, karma stands for the accumulated account of our action over multiple births.
Posted on Sep 12, 2020 by Nidhi Agrawal (Co-founder, Director & Trainer)
Our ability to tolerate failure decides our resolve to succeed. Failure is not the opposite of success - it is part of success. It is a part of life. President Kalam once said that a stone when broken after the 100th blow, doesn't make the last blow the most successful one as all the blows before that enabled the last blow to succeed.
Posted on Aug 15, 2020 by Dr. M.S. Jeremiah
There are two most fundamental and inherent questions that everyone is encountered with. We must understand and answer diligently and prudently. They are (a) Who am I? (b) Why am I here? While answering the first question you must understand that you are the sacred child of the "Divine Infinite Being"...
Posted on Aug 01, 2020 by Nidhi Agrawal (Co-founder, Director & Trainer)
The moment we get up in the morning, don't we first look at the messages? Isn't it common for each family member to be busy online in separate rooms? Some even messaging each other in adjoining rooms? Don't we fret at the thought that you may not be able to charge your phone for some reason?
Posted on Jun 20, 2020 by Harsha Vardhan (Founder Director & Trainer), Nidhi Agrawal (Co-founder, Director & Trainer)
The world is a stage. We have all come here to play a role assigned to us. These roles were given to us based on what we have done in the past. There were lessons to be learnt, karmic debt to be squared off, desires to be fulfilled, the backlog of several lifetimes had to be accounted for and so on.
Posted on Jun 16, 2020 by Nidhi Agrawal (Co-founder, Director & Trainer)
I hope by now no one is complaining that their spouse doesn't give them enough time. They are too busy with office and business. This is a common complaint heard especially from wives. In normal situations we all needed holidays or weekends to have a much touted family time. God arranged this opportunity without our asking. It is human nature to rebel against anything enforced however appealing it may be.
Posted on Jun 06, 2020 by Harsha Vardhan (Founder Director & Trainer)
We always keep looking for happiness and wish the sorrows to stay away. Indian scriptures call it ‘Raag' and ‘Dwesh'. We want pleasant experiences only and dread the unpleasant ones. We spend an entire life resisting the sorrows and toiling for comforts. We work this way to the extent that we actually undergo a harrowing time to accumulate comforts.
Posted on May 23, 2020 by Harsha Vardhan (Founder Director & Trainer)
In this fast age people's incentive to meditate has to be of some practical use. My experience from close quarters has been that most people who come to a formal meditative path, are there for the benefits God can give them rather than God himself. Nevertheless it is a good beginning and some day God will qualify on their agendas on His own merits.
Posted on May 09, 2020 by Harsha Vardhan (Founder Director & Trainer)
You are born into a religion by the virtue of your parents' religion. It is obvious that you are born into one but not essential that you die in the same. You may even choose to be agnostic, atheist, apostate, proselyte, skeptic or a free thinker. No religion has remained homogeneous. All developed into sub categories and variants -each trying to hold on to their turf and defending their own flock while constantly...
Posted on May 07, 2020 by Nidhi Agrawal (Co-founder, Director & Trainer)
We must learn the art of downsizing and de-cluttering our lives. When you clear the excess clutter out of your life you will notice the positive effects it has on your mental state and overall wellness.
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